Child diabetes is a condition in which either your child's pancreas no longer produces the insulin or the body develops insulin resistance, and there is a need to replace the missing insulin. Type 1 diabetes in children used to be known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes.
The diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in children can be overwhelming at first. Suddenly you/ your child (depending on his or her age) must learn how to give injections, count carbohydrates and monitor blood sugar. Although type 1 diabetes in children requires consistent care, advances in blood sugar monitoring and insulin delivery have improved the daily management of type 1 diabetes in children.
Children with diabetes needs to follow certain instructions like taking insulin in right dosage and timing, eating a healthy balanced diet, regular blood sugar monitoring, and a regular physical activity. Following the treatment plan helps kids stay healthy, but treating diabetes isn't the same as curing it. Right now, there's no cure for diabetes, so kids with type 1 diabetes will need treatment for the rest of their lives. But with proper care, they should look and feel healthy and go on to live long, productive lives, just like other kids. In case of a child with type 1 diabetes, the role of family is very important. You need to help your child in managing her diabetes, and, in making her learn how to take care of herself, especially in school and outside home. You also need to inform her teachers of her condition so that they can take proper care at school. Though insulin management plays a major role in management of diabetes, diet plays an important role too. A diabetic kid can do everything regular kids do, and live a normal, active life. They just have to be more careful about planning their daily activities. It's OK to give small portion of child's favourite sweet once a while. It's not only sweets that contribute to glucose in our body. All food we eat eventually gets converted to glucose in the body. Carbohydrates (bread, rice) and fats (butter, oil) produce a lot of glucose in the body. So, rather than cutting sweets completely, go low on carbs/fats/processed foods/juices etc.